Coffee Growers
Coffee Growers direct Master Roasters The Coffee Bean © The Coffee Bean Contact us today and fill your cup! Bean there? it is fine. Order from Canada, Europe and Asia, pick your coffee choices and your roasting preferences. Then choose your grind fine medium or course ground. We will roast and ship by your choice post or FedEx or the Brown Guys. Best Regards The Coffee Bean ©
Friday, December 31, 2004

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Ma'trixz (ma'triks; mat'riks), n.; pl. MATRICES (ma'tri·sez; mat'ri-; rarely, ma·tri'sez); MATRIXEZ (ma'trik-sez; -siz; mat'rik-).[L] A place or enveloping element within which something originates, takes form or develops. The natural material in which any metal, fossil, pebble, crystal, or gem is embedded. That which gives form, origin, or foundation to something enclosed or embedded in it... Ź∞Ź